07 Agustus, 2009

Install Windows XP dengan Flashdisk

nice info nih , dapet dari forum gan, hehee.
Sekarang ini banyak beredar notebook yang berukuran kecil/mini. Disamping lebih ringkas, juga lebih ringan untuk dibawa kemana-mana. ukurannya yang mini dan
kemampuannya yang dapat mengakomodasi kebutuhan berkomputer sehari-hari
menjadikan notebook jenis ini sebagai salah satu gadget yang sangat diminati, disamping
harganya yang lebih terjangkau, tentu saja.

Notebook mini ini kebanyakan tidak memiliki optical drive (CD atau DVD) seperti notebook kebanyakan,
akhirnya cara yang paling mudah adalah install menggunakan port USB, namun bagaimana caranya?.

berikut ini caranya :
Yang Harus Disiapkan:

1. Sebuah komputer yang dilengkapi optical drive (CD atau DVD) dan port USB yang dapat
bekerja dengan baik.
2. Sebuah USB flash disk berkapasitas 1 atau 2 GB.
3. CD instalasi Windows XP.
4. Aplikasi pembuat modul instalasi (USB_PREP8 dan PEtoUSB)
Download Link USB_PREP8
Download Link PEtoUSB
Langkah-langkah Pembuatan:

1. Tancapkan USB flash disk ke salah satu port USB. Ingat-ingat posisi drive-nya. Apakah
F:, G:, H:, dan sebagainya.

2. Saat Anda berada di posisi normal (desktop), masukkan CD instalasi Windows XP ke
optical drive. Jika komputer menjalankan proses instalasi secara otomatis, batalkan saja
dan tutup semua aplikasi yang tengah berjalan.

3. Unduh dan ekstrak aplikasi yang penulis berikan. Saran penulis, ekstrak seluruh isinya
ke sebuah folder, semisal C:\USB.

4. Selanjutnya, buka folder di mana Anda mengekstrak aplikasi modul pembuat instalasi,
kali ini kita ambil contoh C:\USB.

5. Jalankan file bernama “usb_prep8.bat” maka di layar monitor akan tampak jendela
Command Prompt berisi macam-macam perintah. Jika sudah muncul tulisan “Press any
key to continue,” tekan sembarang tombol untuk konfirmasi.

6. Di layar akan muncul jendela PEtoUSB yang meminta Anda memformat USB flash disk
Anda. Tak perlu mengubah setting apa pun, langsung klik Start untuk mulai proses
format. Jawab konfirmasi sesuai kebutuhan Anda.

7. Jika sudah selesai, tutup jendela PEtoUSB (jangan menutup jendela Command Prompt
yang tadi terbuka ketika Anda menjalankan usb_prep8.bat) , maka di layar akan muncul
opsi-opsi dari 0 hingga 5.

8. Gunakan opsi 1 untuk memilih sumber file instalasi yang nantinya akan disalin ke flash
disk. Disini, tentukan di drive mana Anda menyimpan instalasi Windows XP. Pilih saja
optical drive di mana sudah ada CD Windows XP di dalamnya, atau pilih folder pilihan
Anda jika Anda telah menyalin file instalasi Windows XP ke folder tertentu.

9. Pilih opsi 3 untuk menentukan di mana Anda mencolok flash disk. Kalau flash disk
Anda berada di drive F:, maka ketik F dan tekan ENTER. Jika drive G: maka ketik G dan
tekan ENTER, begitu seterusnya berlaku untuk drive lain.

10. Selanjutnya pilih opsi 4 untuk mulai proses pembuatan modul instalasi yang nantinya
akan disalin ke flash disk secara otomatis. Jawab apa pun konfirmasi yang muncul dengan
Y atau YES atau OK atau bentuk persetujuan lain.

Selesai! Kini flash disk Anda telah siap digunakan untuk instalasi Windows XP! Silahkan
melakukan setting pada BIOS subnotebook Anda, dan pilih Removeable Disk (atau apa pun
nama lainnya) sebagai media pertama yang dijalankan saat booting.
Mengingat teknik instalasi semacam ini juga tersedia di internet, Anda juga bisa
mencarinya via mesin cari. Selamat mencoba…!

Dikutip dari

Long Debate Ended Over Cause, Demise Of Ice Ages? Research Into Earth's Wobble

ScienceDaily (Aug. 7, 2009) — Researchers have largely put to rest a long debate on the underlying mechanism that has caused periodic ice ages on Earth for the past 2.5 million years – they are ultimately linked to slight shifts in solar radiation caused by predictable changes in Earth's rotation and axis.
In a publication to be released Friday in the journal Science, researchers from Oregon State University and other institutions conclude that the known wobbles in Earth's rotation caused global ice levels to reach their peak about 26,000 years ago, stabilize for 7,000 years and then begin melting 19,000 years ago, eventually bringing to an end the last ice age.

The melting was first caused by more solar radiation, not changes in carbon dioxide levels or ocean temperatures, as some scientists have suggested in recent years.

"Solar radiation was the trigger that started the ice melting, that's now pretty certain," said Peter Clark, a professor of geosciences at OSU. "There were also changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and ocean circulation, but those happened later and amplified a process that had already begun."

The findings are important, the scientists said, because they will give researchers a more precise understanding of how ice sheets melt in response to radiative forcing mechanisms. And even though the changes that occurred 19,000 years ago were due to increased solar radiation, that amount of heating can be translated into what is expected from current increases in greenhouse gas levels, and help scientists more accurately project how Earth's existing ice sheets will react in the future.

"We now know with much more certainty how ancient ice sheets responded to solar radiation, and that will be very useful in better understanding what the future holds," Clark said. "It's good to get this pinned down."

To make their analysis, the researchers used an analysis of 6,000 dates and locations of ice sheets to define, with a high level of accuracy, when they started to melt. In doing this, they confirmed a theory that was first developed more than 50 years ago that pointed to small but definable changes in Earth's rotation as the trigger for ice ages.

"We can calculate changes in the Earth's axis and rotation that go back 50 million years," Clark said. "These are caused primarily by the gravitational influences of the larger planets, such as Jupiter and Saturn, which pull and tug on the Earth in slightly different ways over periods of thousands of years."

That, in turn, can change the Earth's axis – the way it tilts towards the sun – about two degrees over long periods of time, which changes the way sunlight strikes the planet. And those small shifts in solar radiation were all it took to cause multiple ice ages during about the past 2.5 million years on Earth, which reach their extremes every 100,000 years or so.

Sometime around now, scientists say, the Earth should be changing from a long interglacial period that has lasted the past 10,000 years and shifting back towards conditions that will ultimately lead to another ice age – unless some other forces stop or slow it. But these are processes that literally move with glacial slowness, and due to greenhouse gas emissions the Earth has already warmed as much in about the past 200 years as it ordinarily might in several thousand years, Clark said.

"One of the biggest concerns right now is how the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets will respond to global warming and contribute to sea level rise," Clark said. "This study will help us better understand that process, and improve the validity of our models."

The research was done in collaboration with scientists from the Geological Survey of Canada, University of Wisconsin, Stockholm University, Harvard University, the U.S. Geological Survey and University of Ulster. It was supported by the National Science Foundation and other agencies.
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